I spend as little time online as possible these days, less still in social media comments section. It is all I can do to guard the integrity of my connection to my soul... it is a full time fucking job to not let myself collapse into hatred for the perpetrators of this genocide, and seeing the satanic inversions of Truth apparent in every social media comments section threatens to seduce me into the dark side of hatred and vengeance.... What little time I allow myself online right now, I try to devote to seeking what little camaraderie I can in like-hearted people like you, to strengthen myself for the days ahead. Love to you brother.

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And right back dear sister. You put it well... this sense of the soul getting dragged into darkness. We must be able to hold/behold the immense suffering yet not get dragged under. It’s not easy. And yes, compared to what Gaza is dealing with it’s nothing.... but we are not in Gaza thank god.

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deletedOct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Nizami XIII
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Thanks for this, Anot! We all need encouraging, and considered reads and comments like yours go a long way

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