Absolutely brilliant; I hope this reaches a larger audience (I found you in the comments section over at Charles Eisenstein's substack). I think I agree with every sentiment and judgement you here express, and so beautifully....

The Jewish people have been collectively manipulated by very dark forces through their collective trauma and victim consciousness, coalescing into the race-supremacist techno-militaristic state of Israel. While I do not believe that most of them realize that they have contracted with evil and are being so used, I too have also found myself crossing that same line of which you here speak, hardening to images of Israeli suffering and death… And you are exactly right: from a humanitarian standpoint, this is not OK, which is why I am committed to alchemizing the shadow emotions that come up for me as I witness a “poor, forgotten and alone”* people be genocided while the world watches live in technicolor. But my god are those feelings hard to fully feel and hold and alchemize! It feels to me like it is through capture of our attention and energy we are all being recruited into a dark ritual of watching and acquiescing to the complete obliteration of Western morality.

But you are right: from a “war standpoint”, and what is probably also more broadly a political standpoint, it is absolutely inevitable, and it is also absolutely true that from this standpoint, no truth can be spoken without acknowledging the asymmetry, which so few have the moral courage to do right now.

*to borrow Chris Hedges’s words

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Thanks Gabrielle. Another dimension, for us on social media, is the shouting into the void. I suppose people become numb to it all, bored of it...and that’s a factor MSM understand very well... so we keep going ❤️

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Brilliant as ever xxx

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