To V or Not to V
I am concerned about the formation of a tribal ‘ism’ around the V issue. People are right to question. People are right to question everything. The WHO, the UN, the government, science, pharma, the money. The thing is that that question seems to stop when some people find themselves rubbing shoulders with tribal fellows and questions are dampened in the resonance of the echo chambers.
This is nothing new, save perhaps in the case of Awakeism.
Awakeism is different from Wokeism in that it is particularly to do with spirituality. The philosopher Jules Evans and others are calling it Conspirituality, which sounds rather like religion, which is something structural—a structure of certain codes.
In the current Exodus from the Centre, where we Awaken to the fact that all is Story, or as David Icke would say, Bollocks, Yes All of It, we must reach for Something. Meaning. Truth.
The Apocalypse is upon us and its Four Horsemen are Bill Gates, Agenda 21, Artificial Intelligence and CRISPR. The Brave New World is being incubated in a biodome in Saudi Arabia, ready for export to Mars.
Therefore we must run for the hills, paint our faces, wear a poncho and learn to play the guitar. For we are Awake and we can no longer stand to have our energies depleted by the muggles, the sleepers, the zombies, the people who believe that V is the Right thing to do.
We must form groups in which to swap tales of maskless heroism in Tesco, or Common Law recitals at a bus stop. We will search for places where there are no masks or travel restrictions, where our children might grow up without becoming cyborgs. We are Awake and we shall inherit the Earth.
Who are We?
Those few who are familiar with my writing might recall certain pieces tagged with irony, in particular, the essay from the Iniatix Series, Fish Can’t Swim, in which I asked
But what is it that holds back the deluge?
And claimed
The levees are made of language.
Which will at first glance appear philosophical, postmodern, nihilistic or simply irrelevant to the question of this piece, To V or Not To V.
For the Awake, V or Not V is Blue or Red Pill, respectively. There is a compelling narrative (or at least, many are compelled) that receiving a jab—perhaps in these trustless, Gatesy days any jab) is signing your own spiritual death warrant. Not only are you putting yourself in the ground but burying yourself in reincarnation-proof concrete. You will not only not Awaken but never Awaken, the divine fruit that is your DNA will be severed once and for all from the Tree of Life. If it is ever resurrected it will be as a golem, a corporeal deep fake, reanimated for the amusement of hyper intelligent machines also feeding off its data surplus. You will be, not history, but search history.
Whereas, if you do not V, you will Make It to some place, some Earthly Eden cleansed of those who did.
Recently I have been studying the global Ponzi scheme that is the Economy. Among its many sub-cons is the idea of trickledown—that it’s fine and dandy for Dodgy Dave (Cameron) and pals to splash around in their troughs of cash because some of it trickles down to the rest of us.
It doesn’t.
But something does.
Take for instance facebook and Instagram. At first they are exciting novelties, a way of connecting with friends and new contacts, i.e. the promise of social media. And for many they are just that. For another many, they are marketing platforms. We connect with people we have never met. We reach many more we will never meet. Our reputation—or rather profile—precedes us. Some learn to expand its reach. The tech is available to all, for free, at the touch of a button. Anyone can make use of engines and platforms previously available only to advertising and PR agencies. A tech and marketing paradigm trickles down.
The gist of the story here is self empowerment. That in adopting these powerful technologies and techniques for ourselves, or our group, or our idea (I am doing that here, no?) we may expand. We may go up. We may get somewhere.
Perhaps none have taken to these media more than the self-development and New Age industries. We are long past peak stuff. Observe the global proliferation of plastic detritus. We will soon be past peak experience. Sky dive? Ayahuasca? Vision Quest? Your first problem in any of these camps will be choosing which Facebook Group to join.
Ideas, stories, memes shower down like a silent and constant snowfall. The world is run by demonic paedophiles. The world is flat. Infinite Energy demo’ed at the 2017 Bali Spirit Fest. The numbers of Covid-19 deaths in India is going through the roof. India has gone back to normal. Wearing a mask reduces the risk of contracting or passing on the virus. Wearing a mask reduces your immunity via chronic asphyxiation. Touching surfaces contracts the virus. Touching surfaces is harmless. The virus cannot survive in the heat. the virus can survive in the heat and has anyway mutated into something else. To V is to risk death. Not to V is to risk death.
But we’ll come back to death.
We are all buried beneath this avalanche of information. If there is any benefactor it is the new gods, the artificial intelligences, still in their proto phases, and still shackled to the obscene profiteering mindset of their hosts, the big tech companies. If you want to know how, or how obscene, browse a few chapters of the excellent, if exhausting Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff.
As I write, as you read, the tech companies are compiling everything. Not only compiling but feeding it into neural nets and multilayered machine learning stacks, from whose point of view there are N-dimensional patterns. We are being seen like never before. Being seen in a way that is impossible for us to see. Indeed that unseeable way of seeing us is already shaping what we see and how we see it. Note: there need not be any They at work here behind the scenes. There is no wizard working levers behind a curtain. I’m talking about levers that work themselves. The drive towards artificial intelligence is self-powered. It is a story with its own story logic.
Matrix told us back n 1999, The Singularity had already happened. Life as we know it is a simulation. That is, most likely, or at least most usefully, a metaphor, rather than a metaphorical fact, despite scientific evidence for the latter.
We are being seen in great detail from the outside. Our every move, our every response, the gaps between our responses…all of it compared and contrasted, zoomed and rotated and compared and contrasted to people like us and not like us. The data turned every which way and every oblique correlation uncovered.
The question is, what is inside? The Matrix climaxes (in rather dated visual terms) with the Machines’ final assault on Zion, which is defended by gatling guns manned by dreadlocked hippies, Neo by this time having gone beyond.
All of which must be seen as the battle for existence of the ego, the identity. Why a battle? Because, mystics have pointed out all along, the identity does not exist—other than through this battle.
To be or not to be, asked Hamlet.
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Outrageous fortune of course does not refer here to e.g. a Philip Greene yacht, or a Jeffrey Epstein jet, but to being in a tight spot.
Like perhaps being caught up in London, Paris, New York or Delhi in the midst of a pandemic.
Will we grin behind our mask and bear it? Or will we recite Common as Opposed to Maritime Law at the local constabulary and assert our rights over own bodies? Our right, as the other side would then see it, to perhaps be an invisible carrier of death to someone else less fortunate in the genetic lottery?
There is a choice. No country on Earth has yet threatened compulsory vaccination. On the other hand, every country on Earth is complicit in the confidence trick of the global economy.
Those flying to far flung places in search of unmasked freedom do so on the wings of the petrochemical industry, and presuppose the welcome of the people already there—the local people (if there is such a thing as local people any more, but that is another story).
These days it seems as if we must make, or be prepared to make a barrage of choices as if at gun point. The V police at the door at dawn. A shift in entry requirements last minute before boarding a plane. A friend or relative with a sudden, mysterious condition.
Life hangs in the balance. Life goes on. The world could end tomorrow. It might never happen.
Perhaps the takeaway from all this is life. We are each forced to examine it. Examine it for ourselves, for others. What is it composed of? What is our purpose, Mr Anderson?
And above all to see, as Charles Eisenstein implores over and again in his writings, to reduce separation. To see in the eyes of one who would V, simply the other choice of one who would not.
If we believe that we are consigning ourselves—all seven or nine or whatever of them—to eternal damnation by taking the V it is our duty to the same higher consciousness that we profess to seek, that we contemplate our belief deeply and especially in comparison to opposing beliefs.
What are the corollaries of the idea that a manmade vaccine, hurriedly and to some extent haphazardly constituted from mercury and arsenic and stem cells and wing of bat, might sever us from the Divine?
Is it a test? Is it a fight for good?
What then of those who also fight for good but on the other side?
And each time we arrive at an answer we must go on questioning.
Could it be, in these days of information war, that questions are more valuable than answers? For questions demand answers, whereas answers often go without the question ever having been asked.
To V or not to V, then might be the first, but certainly not the last question.
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